Wednesday, February 4, 2009

1 year

I know it's stupid.

1 year ago today is when Stephen and I 'broke up'

Not sure how I'm feeling about, since we talked about 5 days ago.

Mostly, I feel over it. I think. I wish I were more over it so I could move on. In time I suppose.

I'm not super sad or anything. More of reflecting on this past year and our relationship. I'm going to not do that so often anymore. I've talked to God about this, I'm putting it in His hands :)


tomorrow night is Ladies night :)

My mom, Courtney, and I are going out to dinner. With out Brylee. It'll help to make it easier for Courtney to go back to work if we get her out with out Brylee little by little. So we're hitting an early bird dinner (around 4:30) and then heading back to their place. I'm excited, we're going to Olga's Kitchen..MAN I love that place!

I also love Taco Bell..I went there twice yesterday

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..., Michigan, United States