Monday, October 12, 2009

A Reason, A Season, & For Life

Have you heard this saying before?
God brings people into your life sometimes for A Reason, A Season, or For Life.

I have heard this saying quite a few times, especially lately.
It seems so fitting to my life right now too! So it's great. :)

I believe God brought RD in my life for a reason, so I would give my heart to Christ. No question about it. I also believe RD was in my life to show me what unconditional, self-less, love is. {or was, in our case} He also taught me how to stand up for myself when I wasn't happy with a situation {ie: breaking up with him}

TD was brought into my life for only a season, a really good season. But for only a season. In a bittersweet short amount of time he "taught" me independence more than anything. He showed me what a good man looks and acts like, and that there are genuinely good, Godly men out there still.

For life though, God has brought me a BFF :) JSC, or should I say CWK{that looks weird! just gotta get use to it!} Though a few times we have parted ways, somehow we have always managed to get back in touch. I know God has had a hand in that, always. The thing I love the most about her, is sometimes, we're back in 5th grade, can't stop giggling and laughing and being just plain silly, and other times, she is the shoulder I use when I am crying out to God for understanding. She is my random road trip buddy, lunch on the Calder plaza, and my "guess what I'm doing.." text message :) haha. Noodles and PopTarts, I heart you Boo. :)

More later on :)

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Heart you too!!! :) CWK does look weird!! Cassie KENDRA!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!

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..., Michigan, United States