Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Part of the reason I got deleted my facebook account (for now, not forever) is because I felt like (and this is my fault) nothing about my life was private. Whether it be friends writing personal things on my wall, or family commenting on my pictures at get togethers.

I feel a little more comfortable on here writing things, because only 3, maybe 4 people read this! 1 of them lives out of state (hellloooo Angela!) And the other 3(Kris, Cas, and use to be Merr..until she had a baby!!) I tell pretty much everything I write anyway.

That being said. I went to the doctor yesterday. My back has been hurting for about 5 days. Usually I don't have pain in my back, so I figured it was worth the co-pay to get it checked out. and the doctor said (yikes!) I might have SHINGLES! (I feel like dooce.com haha) I don't have the "rash" yet though, just the pain. I am on Darvocet every 6 hours as of right now. Even though, I can't take it and drive, so I haven't taken one yet today because boy do they make me drowsy! I'll be able to take one after my 2nd job tonight, around 930 and get to sleep in because I have tomorrow off, both jobs! Who's excited?...this girl.

I am a busy little bee for the next little while, and that makes me happy. I have two 'awareness' walks this Saturday and Next. And on the 14th I get to drive to Troy to sit in on a conference call as part of a committee for the Arthritis Foundation! (ps, I also got the chance to be a volunteer for a benefit for them last week..!) Things definitely feel like they are falling into place alittle bit with that part of my life. When I was at The Tribute To Excellence Benefit. I had someone come up to me and tell me that they had been wanting to meet me, and they had heard some great things about me. {wow!} It was a great night. They really would like for me to get more involved for the Arthritis Walk this year. I just don't know if I have the energy. I'll pray about it.

I suppose that is all for now.

ps- Happy 9 month birthday to my sweet, perfect, beautiful little niece. I love you!

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..., Michigan, United States