Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lots to say!

I have sooooooo much to say, and my fingers just won't type fast enough to get it all out quickly!!
Yesterday I spent the entire day(from 7am-9:30pm) on the east side of the state!! {ie; hopefully my new home someday!}

I had a meeting/conference call with *The Arthritis Foundation*! I had never been to their office in Troy, so I was pretty excited. I got to see a couple of the ladies from Camp Dakota {a camp for kids with arthritis} and I got to meet the new development manager and brainstorm on fundraising and volunteer idea's! It was a great experience and I can't wait until December for the Jingle Bell Run{S}.

It's going to be so fun! I still gotta find some silly outfits though :)

After I left Troy, I stopped in Lansing to see my PB ! He took a half day so we could hang out for a while, such a nice guy. We chatted and chatted, then we decided to watch a movie. He let me pick. Eagle Eye. SUCH a good movie :) I haven't been able to watch a suspenseful movie like that in such a long time!! None of the guys I hang out with like to watch scary movies. And since I live alone, I don't really like to watch them by myself because {Hello my name is Rachel, and I have a problem..} I tend to 'hear' things and freak myself out after watching scary movies. Plus, while watching them, I tend to be a little jumpy{at every loud noise in the movie} and that tends to irritate people. Not my PB though :) He even rubbed my back for 20 minutes because I had told him earlier in the week how bad it had been hurting. Man did it feel better after that! :) He even gave me a shirt to wear since I was in my 'cute work' clothes and those are umcomfy to watch a movie in, as I was putting my coat on {yes over his shirt, I sure did wear it home! haha} he hugs me and goes; 'want me to walk you to your car?' I laughed so hard and definitely took him up on his offer, my car was all the way around the corner after all :) He laughs at me being so girly, he likes it though, I just know it!

I suppose that's all for now. Thanks to Cassie for posting this for me, since once again blogger doesn't work at work :( Le Bum

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Reason, A Season, & For Life

Have you heard this saying before?
God brings people into your life sometimes for A Reason, A Season, or For Life.

I have heard this saying quite a few times, especially lately.
It seems so fitting to my life right now too! So it's great. :)

I believe God brought RD in my life for a reason, so I would give my heart to Christ. No question about it. I also believe RD was in my life to show me what unconditional, self-less, love is. {or was, in our case} He also taught me how to stand up for myself when I wasn't happy with a situation {ie: breaking up with him}

TD was brought into my life for only a season, a really good season. But for only a season. In a bittersweet short amount of time he "taught" me independence more than anything. He showed me what a good man looks and acts like, and that there are genuinely good, Godly men out there still.

For life though, God has brought me a BFF :) JSC, or should I say CWK{that looks weird! just gotta get use to it!} Though a few times we have parted ways, somehow we have always managed to get back in touch. I know God has had a hand in that, always. The thing I love the most about her, is sometimes, we're back in 5th grade, can't stop giggling and laughing and being just plain silly, and other times, she is the shoulder I use when I am crying out to God for understanding. She is my random road trip buddy, lunch on the Calder plaza, and my "guess what I'm doing.." text message :) haha. Noodles and PopTarts, I heart you Boo. :)

More later on :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Boy oh Boy

This week has flown by!

Mostly because I have been "drugged' since Monday!

I know in my last post I said that the doc had put me on Darvocet, well, by Thursday I was getting frustrated, because my back wasn't feeling ANY better. So I called again. {true story} So my doc sent out another perspriction {apparently she didn't think it was Shingles anymore..whew!}. This time it was for muscle spasms. Now we're getting somewhere! Yikes though, I slept 10 hours, woke up in a "cloud" and have been there ever since. Everything seems to be fuzzy and in slow motion. And my back still hurts.
Since the meds aren't helping though, I'm not going to take anymore. And {I guess} just deal with the pain. Atleast I'll have my wits about me! {Hopefully...} I'll have some major listening to do, since my BFF just got engaged last night!! I canNOT tell you how excited/happy/giddy/in love with love I am! And also {hopefully...}being part of a wedding party!
All I want to do is go home and sleep! I was in bed by 10:30 on Friday, woke up at 7:30, took a nap from 1:00pm-3:30pm, was in bed for the night at 7:30pm and slept until 6:30 this morning. hmm..

Anyway..Im going to go call P and see if he'll come in early for me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Part of the reason I got deleted my facebook account (for now, not forever) is because I felt like (and this is my fault) nothing about my life was private. Whether it be friends writing personal things on my wall, or family commenting on my pictures at get togethers.

I feel a little more comfortable on here writing things, because only 3, maybe 4 people read this! 1 of them lives out of state (hellloooo Angela!) And the other 3(Kris, Cas, and use to be Merr..until she had a baby!!) I tell pretty much everything I write anyway.

That being said. I went to the doctor yesterday. My back has been hurting for about 5 days. Usually I don't have pain in my back, so I figured it was worth the co-pay to get it checked out. and the doctor said (yikes!) I might have SHINGLES! (I feel like haha) I don't have the "rash" yet though, just the pain. I am on Darvocet every 6 hours as of right now. Even though, I can't take it and drive, so I haven't taken one yet today because boy do they make me drowsy! I'll be able to take one after my 2nd job tonight, around 930 and get to sleep in because I have tomorrow off, both jobs! Who's excited?...this girl.

I am a busy little bee for the next little while, and that makes me happy. I have two 'awareness' walks this Saturday and Next. And on the 14th I get to drive to Troy to sit in on a conference call as part of a committee for the Arthritis Foundation! (ps, I also got the chance to be a volunteer for a benefit for them last week..!) Things definitely feel like they are falling into place alittle bit with that part of my life. When I was at The Tribute To Excellence Benefit. I had someone come up to me and tell me that they had been wanting to meet me, and they had heard some great things about me. {wow!} It was a great night. They really would like for me to get more involved for the Arthritis Walk this year. I just don't know if I have the energy. I'll pray about it.

I suppose that is all for now.

ps- Happy 9 month birthday to my sweet, perfect, beautiful little niece. I love you!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

With drawls..

I am on blogger! At work!

I have been having some serious with drawls of blogging lately. Especially since deleting my facebook. {gasp!} I know, sounds like absolute craziness to do that, but it's the right thing for right now :)

I have spent a lot of time in prayer for the past couple weeks. Actually, at first, I knew I should be praying, but I knew I wasn't going to want to hear with Someone was about to tell me. So I put it off, because, well, I'm human, and sometimes I just want what I want, my conscience be damned. However, these things have a way of catching up with you.
Sometimes, I have a pity party, because of my arthritis. And so I just decide to push it to the back of my mind and not take care of myself. Then I end up getting sick and have LOTS of time to think about how if I would have just stayed on the 'right' path, I would be healthy right now and not missing out on things. And as my PB pointed out the other night, things could be a lot worse.
I need to toughen up a little bit.
Which will not be easy, I have been spoiled by pretty much everyone in my life. So I've gotten "soft", as a certain PB let me know. I definitely want to "remain me' as cheesy as that sounds. But since I don't feel like God has told me it's time to settle down and get married anytime soon, I need to be able to handle things on my own. Especially because I have really felt the pull from Him to move away from home for a little while at least, hopefully with the Arthritis Foundation.(another post to come on that!)So really need to figure out how to let more things roll off my back, and to not let myself get down on things I can't control.
That's a lot to accomplish! Good thing I'm not alone. :)

Moving on..I really hope blogger keeps letting me log in at work!
I feel like there is more to say, ohwell :)

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..., Michigan, United States