Sunday, July 5, 2009

3 posts in 4 days?! Get out!!!

I am going a little "blogger crazy" the past couple of's probably because I have been working by myself and am booooored..AND I am exhausted, so this is going to help me stay awake. Or, maybe it's because I want another Shout Out on Angela's blog for doing so well with keeping up with mine :)

{quick note to self-} taking a 'night time' cough medicine at 1:30am, when you have to wake up at 5:00am, is NOT such a good idea.
In my defense, I was so miserable from not being able to sleep that I didn't necessarily read the bottle that said it was 'recommended' that I get 8+ hours of sleep when taking this.

Oh well; live and learn as they say.

I thought I would use this post to catch everyone up on what I have been up to since I've been home from my little 'adventure', especially people that I haven't seen. {insert a clearing of the throat noise here, Mama.}

I got home last Sunday {I can't believe I've been home for a week already!} and instead of unpacking, went for a quick 2 mile bike ride. ...after sitting in my car for the past day and a half, I was ready to stretch my legs and be outside for a little while. {another quick note to self..make sure to eat before you push your body like that..I was shaking when I climbed off my bike :) } After that I did a couple loads of laundry, made all of the phone calls I needed to, to let everyone know I was home and in one piece.
I don't think I took a nap, but I might have..after a while JSC, being the great BFF she is, stopped by to see me for a while before her weekly Sunday meeting. Then she asked if I wanted to take a swim in her dad's pool later that night. Obviously I wanted to :)
So, I hung out around my house a while, headed over to see my dad, and then headed to my 2nd fathers house :) We decided it was too chilly to swim, so we just hung out and talked{she let me gush} for a couple of hours instead. It's so great to have a friend that will just let you go on and on for hours :) Heart you Boo.
Monday I got up and had to work. I was in my bathroom getting ready and doing my hair, and my elbow hit my can of hairspray off the counter, that and my hairbrush and phone. I'll give you 2 seconds to guess which was the one and only item to land in my toilet.
Yep, you guessed it. RIP strawberry chocolate, I miss you already. Needless to say, that put me in a lovely mood. I was ready early so I thought I would stop by my parents house on my way to work, and give my mom a chance to cheer me up :) I walked in the door, and there layed my niece on the floor, rolling over, and then she saw me and I got the sweetest gummed smile ever.
My bad mood, gone.
I was so happy to see her that I kicked off my heels, and crawled over to her and laughed with her for about 10 minutes before I had to get to work. She is the best medicine. No questions asked. After work I stopped back over so I could hang out with Baby B some more and catch up with my mom. It was also nice to hang out with my S-I-L when she got out of work too.
My mom let me borrow her phone for the night, because my S-I-L & I were going to go phone shopping together the next day, since she needed a new phone too! Perfect.
So I went home, caught up with my PB, since he had rented a house for the weekend in Grand Haven with some friends, and gave me crap for not coming out. We talked for about an hour and a half, and then I felt it....
My left gland was swollen. I figured it was just because I was tired, so I took some sore throat medicine and was in bed by 9, and since I didn't have to wake up until 8:30 the next morning, I figured that would be enough time for me to kick that bug out of me. Wrong. I woke up several times during the middle of the night because I was in so much pain. Finally at 6:30 I got out of bed and e-mailed(I didn't have her number memorized, so I couldn't call her..) my friend Sarah from work and let her know that I was going to try to get into the doctor, and wouldn't be in to work. My doctor's office was so busy, that I couldn't even get in to see my doctor, it had to be his assistant, and they were being generous by squeezing me in at 2:00pm. So I went and waited and sure enough, I had strep throat. Gah! I haven't been sick in quite some time, so I really shouldn't complain, but Summer is the absolute worst time to get sick! But..silver lining? I lost 2.5 lbs :) Happy Girl. I have been trying to lose about 10 lbs. Hence my biking and walking...but now I know..just get sick! haha just kidding, but I'm still happy!
So I got a doctors note saying I couldn't work at either job the next day, and put on antibiotics for 10 days. These specific antibiotics bring up the toxicity in my arthritis medications. So I can't take those for 10 days, and one medicine, for 14, to make sure the antibiotic is out of my system completely. Wow. okay, I can deal.
Except I didn't. I was running a fever and felt like crap and was all alone. Which I can't really blame anybody since I was contagious. I did sleep a lot on and off though.
I was going to text JSC from my moms phone to tell her the 'good' news, but my moms phone had shut off and wouldn't turn back So I let it charge for a few hours, and nothing. .. So there I was alone, afraid that I was getting a kidney infection, and now, there was no way I could contact my family to come bring me to Urgent Care...F...M...L...
I woke up feeling better on Wednesday and just kind of hung out, and in the early afternoon my mom finally stopped by to check on me since I hadn't called her back. She brought me some Popsicles, and orange juice, and french toast sticks (God, I love that woman!) So that perked up my spirits some, and I slept on and off for the rest of the day.
Thursday I went to work, and had the best work day I have had in a long time, thanks Merr! I went to my parents for a hotdog dinner, and then headed home. My night sucked though because I couldn't sleep for more than an hour with out coughing so hard my eyes were I would prop myself up, and then I would wake up from pain in my neck from sitting like that for so long. So I moved from my room, to the couch in the living room, to the couch in the 3 season room, to guest room, and finally fell asleep there for a little while. I called into work again for Friday at about 1:30am and was able to sleep again until 5:00am, was up for about 3 hours and then fell back asleep until 11ish. I felt much better,so I did a bunch of cleaning and since I wasn't contagious went over to my parents house to see Baby B. Had hamburgers on the grill with my family, and then went home to relax with my friend JV. She was so stinkin' cute and brought me a little 'care package' complete with Chicken Noodle Soup, Figi Water, Spree's, and Chocolate. What more could a girl ask for? We were going to watch a movie, but we decided to talk for about 4 hours instead :) Only if we had, had wine, I couldn't have imagined a better Friday night spent with one of my girls.
Saturday was probably the longest work day known to man. I was semi- bummed that I couldn't be with my friends while they were cooking out, but I did make time and a half, and wasn't feeling all that up to getting crazy. And this way, everyone else could spend time with their families :) Plus, 4th of July is not that big of a deal to me anymore, now that I am not with a certain someone and spending the whole day boating and grilling and stuff. This was the first year that I was actually okay not being there. Go me :)
Today I feel MUCH better. still a little tickle in my throat, but with some rest tonight, that should be gone sooooon. Just in time for my week off! :) Man I planned that right haha. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to do wth myself..I have a few idea's :o)

ps- This weekend marks a year of me living alone. My first night there, I thought for sure I would only make it a week or so and want to move back home. I'm really glad I stuck it out.

Okay, that was a little longer than I thought it was going to be.
Glad we are all caught up now!

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..., Michigan, United States