Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In Need....

I am struggling.

I am in need of prayer, even if only 2 people read this. :)

I'm not sure if I want to just put everything out there, on here..

I'm feeling let down, forgotten, not important enough or memorable.

I was on a down spiral for a while, and I thought this would help me, kind of pick me up, and help me stay up so I wouldn't go down again. And that thing that I thought would help, let me down. I agonize over this everyday, wondering why, what's wrong with me, how could it have happened? Gah..
I suppose it's made me more independent..and that's a HUGE plus. And because I'm dramatic today..it's also jaded me. I thought this would be my 'safe haven' of never ending support and encouragement and positiveness, and now I have this sour taste in my mouth.

When will I be memorable? When will people keep their word to me? Maybe this is God teaching me a lesson on patience? Maybe He's trying to tell me that I don't depend on Him enough?

To leave off on a lighter note..I am about half way done with my Camp Dakota post, so look for that in the next day or two :)

1 comment:

Yours Truly said...

For what its worth, I think you're memorable. And awesome! And I hope that you eventually find every single thing that you are looking for.

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..., Michigan, United States