I am heading to Camp Dakota on Sunday, and I am so excited! It is a camp for visually and hearing impaired kids. But the week I'm going (7/27/08-8/01/08) they are also going to have kids with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis..for those of the 3 people that read this, just incase you don't know, that's what I have. I am so excited and feel so blessed to have this opportunity to be a counselor! I will be in charge of probably 3 girls, anywhere from the ages of 7-16. I can't wait to show them how great life can be, even with a disability. I hope I can be an uplifting influence to them. :)
Last night was amazing! I went to Mars Hill Bible Church and had the chance to Listen to Kent and Ed Dobson and man...does God speak clearly to me through those men! This was the first time I had heard Kent speak, but I have had the opportunity to meet Ed a couple of times with Stephen, he was quite the amazing man, Ed is. I can't wait to hear him speak again in a couple of weeks when I get back from camp!
ps- I think I want to go back to Vegas..soon..now I just need a job..a full time job...I'm open for suggestions!